
An easy to use and powerful tool for IT automation, designed with power users in mind.

Project number:RPLD.01.02.02-10-0044/16-00
Project title (pl):Opracowanie innowacyjnej technologii modelowania oraz automatyzacji konfiguracji infrastruktury ICT
Period:2016-03-01 - 2018-01-31
Programme:Regionalny Program Operacyjny Województwa Łódzkiego 2014-2020
Priority axis:1. Badania, rozwój i komercjalizacja wiedzy
Measure:1.2. Inwestycje przedsiębiorstw w badania i innowacje
Submeasure:1.2.2. Projekty B+R przedsiębiorstw

The aim of the project was to extend our offer of by launching a new, innovative product that will allow the company to increase and change its revenue structure.

The result of the project is the development of a globally innovative modeling technology and automation of the ICT infrastructure configuration for the needs of a new product - a set of ICT tools supporting the work of an IT infrastructure administrator consisting of hardware resources (ICT devices and Internet of Things devices) and resources owned in a Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model.